
WELCOME TO MY HOOD!! Well not literally, but this is my life I’ll be spilling so this is my “spot” where I will be sharing my journey on all the HOODS I will be taking on, as my family and I grow!

My name is Madala, or DALA for short. I am coming in to the part of my life where I believe the greatest transitions take place. And as I encounter these highs and lows, I want to be able to look back and reflect on everything I go through. While I’m at it, why not share with the world? I want to touch as many people as I can with my experiences, as I know there are so many more women out there who are in the same exact position.

So here I am…. jotting down some of the greatest moments of my life… to share with whoever will take the time to follow me on this journey: growing into womanhood. The biggest umbrella of a HOOD I will face, as this hood carries many other hoods in it.

I hope to inspire and aspire those who may be going through the same thing, those who need a voice about it, and anyone who can empathize and relate when it comes to life’s learning experiences for all women alike.

Thank you all for spending this time with me. Now sit tight, as I take you on a ride through my hood!

Published by Dala the Doula

Inspiring curiosity and walking in my purpose.

4 thoughts on “Hellllooooo!!

  1. Beautiful Journey. I wish you the best of luck in everything! It truly is amazing to see the outcome of certain events that one goes through. It may not always be a breeze but always keep positive and watch the leaves turn. BTW, I love your motto :Fighting life’s storms and chasing rainbows.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you SOOOOO much!!! I feel good to share my journey… and I’m happy to have others like yourself enjoy reading about it…😍


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